
IU Indianapolis Carpool Program

Employees of IU Indianapolis are eligible to apply to the IU Indianapolis Carpool Program. A carpool consists of no less than two active IU or IU Indianapolis employees.

In addition, each individual participating in the carpool must: 

Be authorized to purchase an employee permit.
Submit your vehicle registration.
Return any individual permit.
Pay off any outstanding parking debts.
Participate in only one carpool. 


Carpool requests go through an approval process. Once the carpool is approved, permits will be assigned. All members of the carpool will be responsible for paying one half of the EM permit rate.

1 - EM or Garage* permit will be assigned to the primary member of the carpool.
*Desired garage permit may be on a waitlist.

24 - New (Starting July 1, 2024) Single-day visitor garage uses will be issued to all carpool participants. Each participant will receive 1 QR code with the visitor garage uses preloaded.

To learn more about the IU Indianapolis Carpool Program contact our office by email or by phone at 317-274-4232.

Hoosier Rideboard

Find rides or riders

Hoosier Rideboard is for all IU Indianapolis students, faculty, and staff who are looking for carpool partners or one-time carpool trips. Only IU Indianapolis students, faculty, and staff can register and will be able to see your profile. 

Use Hoosier Rideboard to travel to 

  • Another IU campus
  • Class or work
  • Concerts or sporting events
  • Other cities
  • The Indianapolis airport

How it Works

  • Create your profile. Only other registered users will be able to see it.
  • Search for rides or riders. Enter a ‘one-time trip’ to find or offer rides or ‘carpool’ to find matches and share your routine ride to work or class
  • Contact a prospective travel match.
  • Work out the details of your one-time trip or carpool.

By creating a profile, you agree to the terms and conditions of the program and assume all risks. 

Get Registered 



Only IU faculty, staff, and students can use Hoosier Rideboard, including regional campuses. 

The system itself is free to use and does not process payment. Payment, if any, should be determined amongst the parties involved. 

Create a profile and post rides and spots in your vehicle. Providing your address will allow the system to show you people who live near you to provide you the most convenient matches. Your complete address is not available to other users until you share it with them. Only city, state, and zip are visible to other users. A map is available to show general location information. You can then reach out to matches by clicking on their profile and sending them an email. Input the dates you want to leave and return and where you’re going. The more people that sign up, the more everyone will be able to find rides and passengers.  

You can use it for any trip you need to take – we’ve categorized them into “carpool” and “one-time trips”. For example, students may want to post a one-time trip to travel home during university breaks, to sporting events and concerts in other cities, or classes on other campuses. Students can also post a carpool to find people to commute to campus with. Faculty and staff may want to post a carpool to find carpool partners to get to work and post a one-time trip to get to meetings on other campuses.  

Yes. You can post seats in a vehicle you’ve reserved from those entities. IU Motor Pool and other university policy terms and conditions apply. 

You can report a problem using the “support” form within Hoosier Rideboard.